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Perspex Distribution

Perspex Distribution Ltd, the UK’s leading distributor of not only Perspex Acrylic but a range of thermoplastic sheets and alternative materials (including Polycarbonate, Aluminium Composite and PVC Foam), have entrusted Extramile Digital to effectively communicate their material offering alongside their USPs to potential clients, through Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).

How do we do this

Initially, we worked closely with Perspex Distribution Ltd to establish a set of KPIs which met both the client’s business KPIs and challenged the digital marketing team, to create and implement an SEO strategy that went the Extramile.

Next, we scoped out the target audience, focusing on the driving factors and considerations the potential clients contemplated when making a purchasing decision in this sector.

It was then time to hit the ground running on this ongoing SEO campaign: the team took a two-pronged approach, making sure the site performed optimally by ironing out any technical SEO and performance issues. They then combined this with on-page SEO and content techniques to produce engaging copy with a clear message and simple user journey.

  • +98.4%

    Session increase in August 2022

  • 188.69%

    Increase in conversions YoY

  • 113

    Keywords rankings in positions 1-3

The results
  • Sessions are consistently up year on year, hitting a peak increase of 98.4% sessions increase in August 2022.
Month Sessions YoY Increase
January 2023 +16.26%
February 2023 +18.22% 
March 2023 +38.13%
April 2023 +7.4%
  • Substantial increase in conversions YoY, with a total of 4,290 conversions gained in the last 12 months (1st May 2022 – 30th April 2023), compared to 1,486 during the previous period. A 188.69% increase YoY. 
  • 113 keywords rankings in positions 1-3 and 235 keywords rankings in positions 4-10.
Don’t just take our word for it
Take a look at what Luke, the Marketing Manager at Perspex Distribution Ltd has to say about working with Extramile Digital, “Working in a niche industry, I have been greatly impressed with the depth of knowledge and understanding of our company that Extramile quickly established. This underpins the work they carry out for us, ultimately resulting in greater value to their output, a reduction in the time as a client I need to check and approve copy, and ultimately meaning better results.  Focusing on meaningful KPIs, we have seen the measurable positive impact of Extramile across our web activity and this added value to our business underpins our online presence”.
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