Beyond the Bottom Line
We’re not box tickers. Our drive to help people and places within our community comes from the values ingrained in our culture.

Our Wider Community
Whether it’s fundraising, donating or lending our expertise, we’re always prepared and hungry to play our part.
Katharine House Hospice
We have supported Katharine House over the years doing the door to door collections, so it was a natural progression to become a business buddy in 2023 and to carry this on for 2024.
As a business we decided to set a target to raise £6000 for this local charity which we achieved by doing the London Marathon, tandem sky dives, bake sales and providing PPC services for them to help them deliver their mission.
Walton Priory Middle School
Our Managing Director, Amanda, has been a Governor at the school for over 20 years. We support the school through careers events by shining a light on the incredible careers that can await them at agencies like Extramile.
Our expert SEO team also offered to lend a hand setting up a GA4 analytics account for their website to boost their online visibility and track traffic to their website.
Chuckle Productions
Our Mayor’s charity, Chuckle, aims to allow every child or young person the opportunity to shine in their own unique way and develop their skills and talents. It’s fair to say, we can relate.
When we heard the mayor needed a website for his charity’s theatre company, Chuckle Productions, we were ready to break a leg to get involved. This allowed us to use our own expertise to support the mayor’s charity like no one else could.
Stone Food Bank (Community Hub)
Our team are a generous bunch. There’s nearly always a cake in the kitchen, or some of Peter’s Finnish ‘treats’.
That’s why we can always count on a good return when collecting donations for our local food bank with especially charitable donations for Christmas and Easter.
Reform Heritage (Middleport Pottery)
Re-Form Heritage’s objective is to transform historic buildings into local assets, creating job opportunities and catalysing wider social and economic benefit.
Our Managing Director, Amanda, has been on the board of trustees for over two years, on a mission to preserve culture by adapting to modern day standards.
One of the most successful projects was Middleport Pottery. Saved from becoming a derelict ruin and is now an award-winning visitor destination based in the heart of the potteries.
Work With Us
We’ve achieved so much working with our community partners and we’ve had great fun doing it. We want to work with more people and organisations in our community that align with our values; so get in touch to see how we can bring some creative support to the table.