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James Du Pavey

When it comes to designing a new website or ensuring your website is SEO-friendly for Google, our experts here at Extramile understand the importance of good website design and best SEO practices. When we were approached by James Du Pavey, we understood exactly what it was that they needed! Read on to find out what our brief was and how we helped. If you’re looking for website design, web development or SEO and PPC services, contact us today to get started!

james du pavey case study
The Problem

James Du Pavey contacted the Extramile team with a brief – their idea was to modernise their website with a rebrand. They wanted to be known as THE estate agency for not only Stone, Eccleshall and Nantwich, but also the wider Midlands region. The idea was for the website to become more helpful to their users – offering helpful how-to guides for buying a property, more opportunities for first-time buyers and showing that they are a family-orientated, friendly and approachable company. Were our team up to the task?

Check out their new website…

The Solution
The answer was “yes”! The Extramile team got to work doing what they do best – creating an intuitive, modern website that made a clear distinction between someone wanting to buy a house and someone wanting to sell a house. Some of the objectives we were able to meet included:  
  • Connecting a flexible CMS that can be managed by the client team
  • Ensuring the new website is accessible and easy to use from a desktop and mobile perspective
  • Ensuring the website has a simple structure that clearly distinguishes between each stage of the buying process
  • Providing the best user experience for both buyers and sellers.
  • Including SEO best practices to ensure the site was ready for the search engines once it had gone live.
  Our team was able to provide exactly what the client was looking for. Users are met with an easy to navigate website, with obvious call-to-action buttons depending on whether you are a buyer or seller and an inviting aesthetic that immediately draws you in. You don’t just need to take our word for it…   “We are thrilled with the new and improved website that Extramile have recently produced for us. They have taken our long list of wants and needs and produced a site designed around our vision with superb functionality that also looks fantastic!” – James Du Pavey.
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Interested In Our Marketing Services For Your Business?
Whether you’re looking for a shiny new website or SEO and PPC services, you’ve come to the right place! Our team are experts in Digital Marketing and have a large portfolio of clients, ranging from home buying to engineering. Our goal is to help you grow your business through Digital Marketing, with innovative techniques that can help your business reach your audience. If you’d like a website like the one designed for James Du Pavey, contact our friendly and knowledgeable team today to get started. Alternatively, take a look at some of the services we have to offer and if you have any questions, our team will be more than happy to answer them!
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