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International Email Marketing

Email marketing is a powerful tool within any business’s digital marketing mix. Over time, due to its low cost and high response rate, email marketing has proven to be one of the most effective means of digital communication – particularly when compared with traditional mediums such as print media.

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The Power Of Email

The reason email marketing can be such a useful means of engaging with customers all over the globe is because a well-designed email campaign delivers the right message, to the right people, at the right time.


This consistency in messaging, targeting, and timing forms the basis of any successful marketing campaign.

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Developing A Working Strategy

Crucially, getting these elements right depends upon a true understanding of the strategy which underpins effective international email campaigns. For example, the difference between a campaign being a roaring success or a dismal failure could come down to something as fundamental as failing to take into consideration the cultural preferences of the intended target audience.


When targeting an international audience in varying timezones, for instance, it is essential that careful thought is given to the appropriate time to deliver email marketing messages – so as to maximise the chances of engagement and conversion. For example, if an email is delivered to your intended audience at 3AM local time, it is extremely unlikely to achieve anything resembling a high engagement rate.


Moreover, following best practices in terms of avoiding keywords that are likely to trigger spam filters is extremely important in ensuring that that your marketing messaging isn’t blocked at source. Obviously, the more that your messages are blocked, the less exposure it receives. The less visibility potential clients have of your business and its services and products, the less likely they are to include your organisation within their purchasing considerations.

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How To Get International Email Marketing Right

It goes without saying that, as with all marketing efforts, ensuring the quality of your email marketing is absolutely essential to campaign success.


For example, when communicating via foreign languages (with the intention of engaging a foreign audience) it is crucial that spelling, grammar, and naming conventions are adhered to. Intuitively, these conventions can differ wildly from country to country, and can also deviate enormously when contrasted with your native language. As such, an understanding and effective application of these unique linguistic elements are vital in ensuring that your marketing messaging consistently hits home.


A seemingly innocuous mistake in email copy could result in the tone of your message being rendered completely inappropriate – eliciting damage to your company’s reputation within the local area.

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Important Considerations

Ensuring that your emails are both targeting the right audience and are relevant to this intended audience are each huge factors to campaign success. This knowledge stems from an understanding of the local populace and their preferences.


Although these may sound trivial, relatively small details such as these can elicit huge differences in the effectiveness of your international email marketing. And huge differences here translate into results (or lack thereof) in commercial outcomes such as revenue and profitability.

How We Work

At Extramile Digital, our extensive experience in working with businesses and target audiences all over the world means that we have an acute appreciation of what it takes to ensure that your international email marketing campaign is a success.

Among our specialisms is our ability to effectively manage multiple translators whilst ensuring that projects are on-brand and delivered in a timely manner.

We are able to consistently achieve this outcome as our digital marketing experts have specialisms in multilingual messaging. This appreciation of local language, convention, and culture, coupled with a deep understanding of the tools that can be leveraged within email marketing, means that we are uniquely positioned to be able to assist in taking your business global.

A large part of your journey is getting your business – and its products and services – in front of the right audience within the target geographies for your expansion. International email marketing is a powerful method that can be utilised to achieve this objective.

Extramile Digital offer a variety of specialist international email marketing services, including:

  • Multilingual email content creation

  • Multilingual email optimisation

  • Multilingual quality assurance

  • Strategic email targeting

  • Detailed international email campaign tracking and analysis

  • International email conversion rate optimisation

  • Multilingual landing page optimisation

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International Email Marketing With ExtraMile

At Extramile Digital, we have a wealth of experience in managing extremely large email marketing campaigns with a multitude of translators.


For more information on how Extramile can help your business grow abroad, please get in touch with us today.

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