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What does a bearing and a good digital marketing campaign have in common?

What does a bearing and a good digital marketing campaign have in common?

Jun 4, 2024

By Carla Crichton, SEO Account Manager at B2B digital marketing agency, Extramile Digital.

Bearings are the longstanding workhorses of a factory. They might seem like simple components to the untrained eye, but their role is absolutely crucial for the smooth running of a business. We can draw quite a few comparisons between a bearing and working with a digital marketing agency for manufacturers.

Reduced friction

Bearings reduce friction by replacing sliding friction with rolling friction, minimising resistance. A good digital marketing campaign also minimises resistance, but this time with your customers. The right strategy, often using a combination of helpful content, clear calls to action and a smooth customer journey, keeps your target audience engaged and moving towards your product or service.


A well-designed bearing, made to the right dimensions and lubricated correctly, offers predictable and consistent results over time. Similarly, a well-planned digital marketing strategy keeps your brand message and tone of voice the same. This consistency is a huge green flag for your customers, who learn what to expect from your brand.

Supports the load

A good bearing can handle a lot of weight, just like a strong digital marketing campaign can. This is particularly true if you call upon the services of a b2b digital marketing agency like Extramile Digital, who over time, become an extension of your marketing team. We carry the responsibilities of strategising, analysing performance data and writing brilliant content. Suddenly, your workload feels a whole lot lighter, giving you the breathing space to focus on leading your business. 

Cost savings

By minimising friction and wear, bearings play a major role in extending the lifespan of factory machinery. This translates to less downtime for repairs and replacements, ultimately saving manufacturers time and money. Choosing to work with a technical marketing agency offers similar cost savings. You get access to a wide range of experts and software tools that would have cost a lot more if you had recruited or purchased internally. 


There’s a whole range of bearing types, each suited for specific needs. From the common ball bearings to specialised thrust bearings. Similarly, a good marketing campaign can take many shapes. Whether it’s a fast moving PPC campaign, a long-term SEO campaign, an engaging social campaign, or a combination of all three. Most importantly, it’s important to choose the correct strategy for your business and its goals. It certainly isn’t one-size-fits all. 

Let’s get the ball rolling?

If you’d like help with digital marketing services such as web designSEO services or B2B social media, you’re in the right place. Contact us today and tell us a bit about your business and how we can help you.